Red Sunset with a Strange Shadow across the sky



The Day at Amity had been totally wet, cold and miserable. I was in a small caravan hiding from the rain so when it stopped it was wonderful to walk outside without getting wet again. The sunset was amazing. it went on for a long time, and the sky kept changing every few seconds like a movie playing right in front of my eyes. I should have taken a video but I truly did not imagine it would change like this, and at the pace the sky moved, and the range of colors to an deep intense red and then purple. I took photo after photo so you have the whole spectrum of what I was experiencing, but it is not possible to capture the true beauty with film.


A fisherman cut up some bait, and that brought a group of seagulls excitedly flying around in the sunset.

The colors changed as the sunset developed and people were lined up on the rocks taking photos, enjoying a sunset beer, or simply loving the view as it magically unfolded in front of us.

Even when I tried to leave, the colors continued to pour onto the canvas sky, and change and change. I walked off the street and looked back and there was the entire horizon bathed in glorious sunset light. In front of me was the rising full moon. What a glorious experience.

Published by Ladymaggic

Artist, Traveller, Researcher and Writer, currently living in Australia where I photograph and share experiences and events as I travel. Travel photos and videos about many places in Australia​ and the world

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